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The New Somaly Mam Fund: Voices for Change is a 501 (c) 3 organization.  Its mission is to eradicate human trafficking, sexual exploitation and modern-day slavery, and to empower survivors as the most effective means of accomplishing these goals. The Fund can be reached at newsomalyfund@gmail.com

In June, 2014, the foundation with which Somaly was formerly identified, abruptly and without warning refused to continue its contract to fund AFESIP, leaving the programs that provide shelter, counseling, medical care, and skill-training for 170 victims unable to continue these essential services. These programs, which enable victims to become survivors with newly empowered personal and economic opportunities, are integral to helping girls who were forced into sexual slavery. The 170 girls in shelters are in jeopardy and the other preventative and advocacy programs have been severely curtailed as well. Please see www.afesip.org for a full description of their programs and their current situation. Please DONATE. Any donation is very much appreciated.

Voices For Change